Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ironman Training - Week 12

August 20 - 26, 2013

Week 12

This week my hubby was out of town. He usually helps a bunch with the kids while I work-out, so I didn't get a lot of training done without him. I could have.....but I just didn't. Like I said last week, I am worried that I am beginning to get burned out (or very bored) and I am trying not to let that get to me. I DID get to do my very first practice in open water swim!!!! That made me feel so much better!! And got me excited to actually DO a triathlon instead of just training for one!!!!


Monday: rested

Tuesday: rested (no swim)

Wednesday: biked for an hour and ran 1 mile

Thursday: spin class! (no swim)

Friday: rested

Saturday: biked for 1 hour and 45 minutes, then ran 2 miles

Sunday: rested after my OPEN WATER SWIM PRACTICE!!!!!

On the open water swim.....I swam the course for my very first (sprint) triathlon coming up next week! I swam the 550 meters in 13:30!!!! I got very excited and overwhelmed during the first few minutes, which made my heart rate rise and made me not breathe well. I finally got myself together and kept going the rest of the way wonderfully!!! I haven't practiced sighting, so that was a bit difficult. I pretty much just stopped and would tread water for a few seconds after every 3-4 strokes so I could see which way I was swimming. I am so glad I decided to wake my big butt up and do it!!!!!

I'm in the pink cap. That's me beginning the swim.

That is me about to finish. Pink cap.

Hubby snapped a pic the moment I stepped out of the water. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Cokes and Canvas - An art class at the Green's

I had been in a mommy rut and tv watching had reached an ultimate high. Everyone was bored of escaping the summer heat by sitting in the house. So I came up with a BRILLIANT plan. I decided to be a "cool" mom and let the kiddo's paint. But not just get-out-some-paint-and-plain-paper-and-go-to-town paint. No, no. It was the real deal!

This is the day we started 
Cokes and Canvas

First we chose our drinks. It came as no surprise that they wanted Dr. Pepper. We almost exclusively drink water, so when I let them have anything else.....it's almost always DR. Pepper that they choose! And being the "cool" mom for the day, I let them have it!

Next we chose our painting. I searched online for painting places that offer kids classes and let them browse. Of-course, no one wanted to agree. The dog won, but just barely. I was adamant about us ALL doing the same painting, just as if we were at an actual painting place.

After that, we decided what colors of paint we wanted. This was another fight among my little munchkins.

-"NO! MINE has to be pink!"
-"But MOMMY, I don't want MINE pink if HERS is pink!"

Then we chose our music. Again, I gave them a list of stations on Pandora from which to choose. Surprisingly, Disney won without a fight. We instantly began singing to "Lion King" and "Tiana".

Finally, it was time to PAINT!!!! Everybody was very excited to begin! I stood in front of the kiddos and began to draw the ears of the dog. I explained that it did not matter how perfectly they drew and that no one's painting ever looks the exact same as someone else, and not to worry if they think they messed up because I could help them fix it. I know, I know. I'm so smart. They TOTALLY understand and matured so greatly from my speech, right? Wrong. It was almost instant chaos. TEARS EVERYWHERE. 

-"Mine looks TERRIBLE!"
-"I can't do this!!!"

I tried to help. I tried to console. I tried to explain.

The kids had totally lost it. They wouldn't listen. At.. All.

Finally my patience was too thin and I gave up.
Soooooo....I yelled.


I let the kids quiet down in their rooms. Well, actually it was only the big ones. Myleigh was an angel. She just sat there, wide eyed. She held her pencil for a while and finally smiled at me. She was so patient...just waiting until the big kids decided to act normal again.

Once they had finally quieted down, I went in and apologized for yelling. They apologized for getting angry. We hugged and headed back to paint.

The rest of the time was super fun. They DID mess up here or there while painting......but had learned not to scream about it. I helped them along the way and we sang more Disney songs. It really was fun!!

I love how you can see the progression of each age. The kids loved personalizing their own artwork, Gracie re-did her collar about five times and Jakob made sure his dog tag had a "J" on it. Myleigh was just Myleigh the whole time, just happy to be part of the group and doing what the big kids did.

We are already planning our next Cokes and Canvas party.....hopefully this time without so many tears!!!!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Ironman Training - Week 11

August 11-18, 2013

Week 11

This week was pretty good. I have been trying to wake up earlier and earlier, so I was a bit sleepy, making it harder to choose to workout instead of napping. I feel like I am beginning to get bored with the training. I need a partner or a change of pace, somehow. The monotony of the schedule is boring me, I think. It is too much of the same thing, day after day. But....I want to cross the finish line too bad to let it stop me!

Monday: Rest day

Tuesday: Ran 5 miles - 54 minutes. Then swam 20 laps in 14 minutes. (Masters class canceled)

Wednesday: Rest day....ugh

Thursday: Biked 1 hour. Then masters swim. Technique is better, also swam 1,200 meters!

Friday: Ran 3.5 miles (instead of 8) because the gym shut down after lights went out from bad weather

Saturday: TRIED to bike at home....got in 1 hour....the baby didn't feel well and cried too much

Sunday: Ran 10 miles!!!!! That is the farthest I have EVER ran in my life!!!!!

Things I Learned:

1. I need to change up my workouts.......hmmm???
2. I am getting faster and my endurance is getting better!!!!
3. Get your kids to clean while they wait for you to finish working out. Two birds - one stone.

My view while on the bike

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ironman Training - Week 10

August 6-12, 2013

Week 10

Monday: Rest day

Tuesday: BARELY ran. The baby was crazy. Masters swim. Finally getting better....and a bit faster.

Wednesday: Did a sprint triathlon at the gym. 800 meter swim, 15 mile bike, 3.1 run.

Thursday: Spin class. Hardest spin class ever!!!! Masters swim....getting better!!!!

Friday: Rested...well, kinda. We rearranged our house and the treadmill was out of commission.

Saturday: Rode 3 hours. At home again. Watched movies....it was fun!!!

Sunday: Ran 8 miles. Still takes me 1 hour, 28 minutes.

Things I Learned:

1. When I am able to think about something else....like watching a movie or listen to comedy on Pandora....I can REALLY get a good workout. Therefore,  I need to train my mind. My mind is keeping me from pushing hard. 

Ironman Training - Week 9

July 30-August 6, 2013

Week 9

Tuesday: Ran 6 miles! Then another AWESOME masters swim!

Wednesday: Rested

Thursday: Biked for 1 hour. Then masters swim.

Friday:Ran 3 miles, instead of 6....it was the hubby's birthday

Saturday: Rode for 2 hours, 45 min. At home, and caught up on some movies. :) Then I ran for 15 min.

Sunday: Ran 8 miles, at home. It is Houston during August.....I won't be outside for a while.

Total:   8.5 hours

Things I Learned:

1. I LOVE masters swim. I'm not very good (yet) but I love it.
2. I need to get out of my head. My head keeps me from pushing myself.