Wednesday, July 24, 2013

My Boys

I could write forever about my boys. They are my down-to-earth in my drama-filled, girl-world. They are the stinky and gross in my frilly, pink life. They are the clutter in my want-to-be spotlessness. They are my boys and all "boy" that comes along with it. 

Jakob talks about so many things that I don't understand. Games and Legos, building things and movies. He talks about it with so much enthusiasm. He loves his boy stuff and loves to share his love of it with anyone!!!

He will also ask these questions that I can't begin to explain. Such as, "HOW do bee-hives work? How does the honeycomb and honey work?" - or - "who is the tallest man in the world?" I don't have a clue how to answer most of them. However, as of now, he still thinks I will probably know the answer. He still asks me with a look in his eye that I know. That makes my mommy heart happy. Although he is quickly learning that google knows WAY more than mommy!

He also whines. Like, a lot. That boy whines and whines and whines. I dream of the day that he stops the whining.

He also loves. That boy loves everything and has a hate for injustice. He loves babies and laughter. He loves when others are having fun. He loves his sisters.....most of the time. He truly enjoys playing with Gracie. They love to build little worlds out of all of their toys.

Jakob LOVES to draw. He expresses his thoughts and feelings through his drawings. That boy carries around a notebook and draws ALL THE TIME. He draws about 5-10 intricate drawings a day. When he grows up and creates the new comic book or has an art gallery.....I won't be surprised.

Jakob does not like outdoor sports. He likes karate and golf.....but has no desire for baseball or football. A piece of me grieves for a baseball life. Yet, I know I have always prayed that as parents we don't sway him in a direction that suits our needs but only let him be who God created him to be.

I love my boy and all the strange "boy-ness" that comes along with it.

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