Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Training for Ironman - Week 8

Week 8
July 23-29, 2013

This week was great. I began masters swimming class....and LOVE it!!!I also rode and ran the farthest I have thus far! Yay!!


Monday: Rest day

Tuesday: Ran 6 miles in 1 hr-6 min. Then went to my first masters swim class - learned about A LOT!!!

Wednesday: Rode for 45 minutes and ran for 15 minutes 

Thursday: Spin class and another masters swim class!

Friday: Ran 6 miles - this time in 1 hour!

Saturday: Rested 

Sunday: Rode outside for 20 miles - then ran 4 miles.

Things I Learned:

1. I do NOT like running after riding. It is hard! I really, really need to train more with that!
2. I need to train more with outside riding/running.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

My Boys

I could write forever about my boys. They are my down-to-earth in my drama-filled, girl-world. They are the stinky and gross in my frilly, pink life. They are the clutter in my want-to-be spotlessness. They are my boys and all "boy" that comes along with it. 

Jakob talks about so many things that I don't understand. Games and Legos, building things and movies. He talks about it with so much enthusiasm. He loves his boy stuff and loves to share his love of it with anyone!!!

He will also ask these questions that I can't begin to explain. Such as, "HOW do bee-hives work? How does the honeycomb and honey work?" - or - "who is the tallest man in the world?" I don't have a clue how to answer most of them. However, as of now, he still thinks I will probably know the answer. He still asks me with a look in his eye that I know. That makes my mommy heart happy. Although he is quickly learning that google knows WAY more than mommy!

He also whines. Like, a lot. That boy whines and whines and whines. I dream of the day that he stops the whining.

He also loves. That boy loves everything and has a hate for injustice. He loves babies and laughter. He loves when others are having fun. He loves his sisters.....most of the time. He truly enjoys playing with Gracie. They love to build little worlds out of all of their toys.

Jakob LOVES to draw. He expresses his thoughts and feelings through his drawings. That boy carries around a notebook and draws ALL THE TIME. He draws about 5-10 intricate drawings a day. When he grows up and creates the new comic book or has an art gallery.....I won't be surprised.

Jakob does not like outdoor sports. He likes karate and golf.....but has no desire for baseball or football. A piece of me grieves for a baseball life. Yet, I know I have always prayed that as parents we don't sway him in a direction that suits our needs but only let him be who God created him to be.

I love my boy and all the strange "boy-ness" that comes along with it.

Padre 2013

We had our first family vacation this summer!! (technically we went to Sea World in 2010 but it wasn't truly a "vacation", plus we were missing child #4). We went to South Padre Island for 5 whole days!!!! It might not be Paris or The Bahamas....but it WAS a vacation and I am very grateful. 

First we had a FUN ride there. All 6 of us "sardined" ourselves into the truck and we talked, laughed, and ate all the way there!!

When we finally arrived...the kids were VERY excited about our condo!!!


After taking all of our bags up the THREE floors of STAIRS.....we quickly headed out to meet our friends Kristy and Kevin at Wanna Wanna's.

Oh Wanna Wanna's, how I love thee. It is a quaint little bar/restaurant on the beach. I could live there.

And since this awesome place is RIGHT ON THE BEACH.......the kids HAD to play.

Delaney wasn't too thrilled. 

But she did get her feet at least a little wet!

Jakob found a washed up jelly fish!! 

Next, we let the kids swim until they couldn't swim any longer!!! HOW FUN!!!! Mommy even got to lay out and soak up the beach sun!! 

We even got a few underwater pictures!

The dolphin tour was another exciting adventure!! We saw tons of dolphins, a pirate ship, got to touch and learn about a few sea creatures, and ride the huge waves!!! It was a BLAST!!!!

The whole crew on the dolphin tour.

Mimi and Delaney

Sweet siblings

Myleigh holding a starfish!

Gracie said her favorite part of the whole trip was watching the pirate ship!

Another trip to the beach....this time with Mimi and Paw-paw!!

Delaney enjoying the beach this time!

We had THE BEST time!!!! We cannot wait to go back!!!!

Mommy Night Out

  See those hotties? That is the bestie and me on our night out!!!! I love how God cares about every tiny thing. I hadn't had a break from mommy-duties in a looooong time. I was frazzled. I was tired. I was anxious. I needed a time-out from my many responsibilities. I knew we didn't have much extra money and also knew I'm not the type of person to go hang out somewhere all alone. So finding a way to get away seemed difficult to me.  I whined to God that I felt like I needed a break and He answered! My super-awesome, cool, sweet friend Bobbie invited me to go with her to use up her Groupons! We painted at Vino Artino and saw The Heat.

It. Was. An. Awesome. Night.

THEN.....the very next night my next door neighbor invited me to her Mary Kay party. I got to go do something TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW!!! I drank a glass of wine, pampered myself, and even bought a few things! 

This mommy needed her mommy-night(s)-out!!!

Dancing Darlings

Our sweet girls had their recital and it was as adorable as expected. This was recital #2 for Myleigh but Gracie's first. They both did a great job!! I was especially proud of Gracie. She is extremely shy and hates being on stage. However, she ROCKED it!! She tried her very, very best!! I could see the look of determination to get every step correct. The poor girl joined the jazz class late in the semester and was very behind in learning the dance. It didn't stop her though! She was a hard worker and kept up as best as she could with her class! Did I mention that she was 2-3 years younger than most of the girls? My Gracie is a hard-worker!!!!

Not the best picture. She had been crying because she couldn't find us after her dance!

Gracie is the cutie on the far left.

Myleigh did exceptional as well. She was so excited to greet her bestie, Arden, every Tuesday at 11:00 for their dance class. They were so adorable together, I could hardly stand it. Myleigh LOVES dance and does well. They did a tap/baton routine to Shirley Temple's song "Animal Crackers" and it was the cutest thing!!

Fun in the Summer Sun

This summer has been a swimming summer!! We don't have a pool in our back yard and I don't really like our neighborhood pool.....which means our summers are usually lacking in swimming fun.
this summer we had a few more pool options! My in-law's neighbors moved and allowed us full access to their abandoned pool!!!! Also, we joined Lifetime and thoroughly took advantage of the pool there too!

So...this year we have been having tons of swimming fun! 

Jakob has been working on swimming without holding his nose and diving/diving board. 

Gracie has been working on free style and handstands. 

Myleigh has been working on going underwater and holding her breath. She has been proudly floaties- free this summer!!! 

Last but not least, Delaney has been working on staying sunburn free!

My "baby" is growing up

This was a conversation with my 4 year old while driving:

Me: "Myleigh - whatcha doin' back there? See anything cool out of your window?"

Myleigh: "MOM - stop are SO ANNOYING"

- I was stunned...did my FOUR YEAR OLD just say that to me? -

Me: "Myleigh - that is not nice. You are not supposed to talk like that to your mommy! I was just asking if you saw anything cool!"

Myleigh: long sigh..."Yes, MOM....everything is cool in this world....OKAY???"

Oh my. Girls. And I have THREE of them.

Training for Ironman - Week 7

Week 7
July 16-22, 2013

Not a good week. I officially HATE working out during “that time of the month”. Plus, I had company over at my house. I almost wanted to quit Ironman training....but I pressed on!!


Tuesday: Ran for about 25 minutes. (at home)

Wednesday: Biked for 20 minutes and ran for 10 minutes. (at home)

Thursday: Biked for 30 minutes. (at home)

Friday:           Ran late at night, at home because of the rain, for 1 hour. (57 minutes - 5

Saturday:       Biked for the first time ON MY BIKE.....outside!!!!! Only went 14 miles, 1
          hour because my phone died.

Sunday:         Instead of running, I did 1 hour Insanity at Lifetime with Jessica and Sarah.

Monday:        Spin class for 1 hour, stayed and rode another 30 minutes, then ran .5
          mile. (baby started crying)

Total: 5 hours-45 min - 7 days

Things I Learned:

1. My neck hurts BAAAAD on the bike. OUCH! How do people do this???
2. I miss Crossfit. I cannot wait to start it up again.

Training for Ironman - Week 6

July 9-15, 2013

This week was another great week! I enjoyed all of my training and feel very accomplished!


Tuesday:        Biked for 45 minutes and went 21 miles!!!

Wednesday: Ran 45 minutes and ran for 15 minutes. - on the bike trainer and our treadmill. 

Thursday: Spin class! Yay!

Friday: Ran 1 hour-15 min on treadmill at home. It was NOT fun. It was LATE at night and my tummy hurt. I somehow finished, barely making 6 miles! Ran at 4.5-4.7!!

Saturday: Biked AT HOME on trainer for 2.5 hours. The baby cried, the kids fought, the dogs was wild. But. I. Did. It. :)

Sunday: Ran another 6.5 miles, at home, and the on treadmill....shaved about 5-10 minutes off my Friday night run. Ran at 5.5-6.0.

Monday: REST DAY!

                 Total: 8.5 hours - 6 days

Things I Learned:

1. I hate running.
2. Also, I hate running.

Training for Ironman - Week 5

July 2-8, 2013

This week was good! I really worked on my running. I enjoyed training this week!!


Tuesday: Off Day

Wednesday: I rode on the regular bike at the gym for 45 minutes, steady pace...I went 9 miles. Then I QC to a run for 15 minutes at an 11.45 and then one lap around at a 10 minute pace!!!!

Thursday: Got up early and swam with my hubby! I swam for 35 minutes. I worked on sighting and keeping head down better. Then I rode for 30 minutes on the spin bike. 

Friday: Ran for 1 hour with my friend Jessica and my hubby on the treadmill (UGH!). I went 11.30 the whole time!!!! - 5 miles!

Saturday: My hubby fixed my *new* bike on the trainer for me and I rode for 1 hour-45 minutes. MY HINEY HURT!!!! OUCH!!!! It was brutal and I did not enjoy it. I felt like I didn’t train very hard due to my hurting hiney!! - (Or maybe because it was from 10:30-12:00 at night!)
Sunday: Took another day off and helped try to do stuff around the house

Monday: Ran for 1 hour on the treadmill with my friend Bobbie. I ran at 11.30-11.06 pace. Took 2 minutes off my run from Friday!!!!

Total: 6 hours - 50 minutes - 5 days

Things I Learned:
  1. I am training my mind more than I am training my body. My mind just wants to give up - constantly!!
  2. I need to drink more water and eat healthier food!!!
  3. I like getting up earlier and getting my training out of the way - who knew?! LOL!!

Training for Ironman - Week 4

June 24- July 1, 2013

This week was a really great!! I felt very accomplished with my training! YAY!!


Monday: Rest day (whew!)

Tuesday:     Swam 22 (25 yard) laps!! This was the first time I “breathed” the whole way swimming!! Then I ran hill intervals on the treadmill for 30 min. (ugh...not  fun!) - I got to do all of this with my training partner, Bobbie!

Wednesday: I rode 30 min on my regular bike throughout the neighborhood, 7 miles. It was fun being outside and NOT on a stationary. THEN.....I did a QC and ran for 15 a 11.5 mile pace!!!!! YAY!!! 1.25 miles! WHOO-HOO!! 

Thursday: I swam for a few laps, not very much. I didn’t even keep track! Oops! I got on the bike (not spin bike) for 30 min - 7 miles. 

Friday:           I did not do my usual 1 hour run. I opted for a “core” class. I’m VERY glad I chose to do that. It was VERY hard and worked muscles that needed to be worked out!!! I was SO SORE!!!! It made me miss Crossfit, and that is kinda sad.

Saturday:       The hubby and I went on a 1 hour, 45 min ride out on our regular bike. We rode 20 miles. It was an effortless ride but super, super fun. We talked about important stuff and then did a little bullfrog hunting!!!!!! GREAT WORK-OUT! Lol!!

Sunday:          I woke up sick. Again. OMG!!!! This time it felt like a sinus-infection/flu. I thought I would get out of doing my 1 hour run. However, the hubby made me get up and dragged me to the gym!! Good thing, too..... Because I ran 5 miles in 56 min!!! I was probably the most proud of myself that I have been thus far!!!

Monday:          Remember how proud I was yesterday? Meet Monday, Crystal. You got up super early (7:30...LOL) and went to a spin class on your OFF DAY!!!!! Spin class was AWESOME!!!! How have I missed this???I LOVED IT!!!! 

Total: 6 hours, 45 min - 7 days

Things I learned:

  1. New song I will listen to while training: “Overcomer” by Mandissa
  2. I LOVE (and NEED) spin class
  3. I also NEED muscle building classes....adding more training will be tough though
  4. I MUST start eating better.....much, much better

Training for Ironman - Week 3

June 17-24, 2013

This week was a mental week. I had to get “out of my mind” a few days this week and really push myself. I was very up and down in my training. Some days were amazing while others were miserable. I can’t quite figure out HOW to push myself when my body is screaming “NO”!! Especially when the day before a bad workout my body was screaming “THIS IS EASY” during a great workout!! So confusing.  


Monday:         rest day (drove back from SPI)

Tuesday: ran 45 minutes - 3.2 miles (ok, sweet hubby had to FORCE me to run on our treadmill at 11:00 at  night. I was exhausted from vacation and had  almost decided this “Ironman thing” maybe wasn’t for me.)

Wednesday: 30 min bike and 5 min run. (I felt only a little better about training. I was called  out for my crying baby before I could finish my 15 min run.) 

Thursday: swam 25 min (these little kids were swimming next to me and going much 
                        faster. I am so slow!) 
                     45 min bike (17.2 miles....felt great!!!)
                     12 min run (1 mile)
            very own mini triathlon!

Friday:           1 hour run (with my hubby!!!!! He was very helpful and allowed me to push myself!!! I went 5 miles!!!!!! I was continually telling myself to keep  moving....and I DID IT!)

Saturday: 1 hour, 45 min bike (I woke up with what I thought was the stomach flu. Yuck!!   HOWEVER, I got on the bike  and rode anyways. It was slow, I did NOT push myself.......but I did it. I finished.)

Sunday:          1 hour run - 4 miles (THIS WAS HORRIBLE!!!! I felt like I had never run in my life. My legs felt like bricks and  I could barely keep a 14 min/mile pace. Ugh, ugh, ugh. I actually had to walk!??!!?? I was very disappointed in this run. I felt like my body was giving up and my mind had zero control.)
                                      Total: 6.5 hours - 6 days

Things I learned:

A. I have a new favorite workout song: “The Only Way I Know” by Jason Aldean.

B. Do not go for a long run right after dinner.

C. I do GREAT with my hubby by my side! 

D.    I’m getting impatient about my body becoming “athletic” and  “in shape”. WHEN will this     baby weight go away?

Training for Ironman - Week 2

June 12-17, 2013

Week number two of Ironman training was.... well, not very “Ironman”-ish.  However, I did learn more about pushing myself and to just stay deterMined.


Monday:    Rest day

Tuesday: Swam 30 min. And ran 39 min. (swimming was just ok. I really need to 
          work on technique. I am SUPER slow! My run felt good, stayed around
          12.5 min/mile)

                                              * began going to Lifetime*

Wednesday:  Only a 20 min. bike (baby cried too much)

Thursday:      Drove to work-out!!!!

Friday:           1 hour run on the South Padre Island beach!!!! Ran 4 miles in the

Saturday:  Ate bad food and soaked up the sun.... No work-out! 

Sunday:          Ditto Saturday! :)

Total: 2 hours, 29 min. - 3 days

Things I Learned:

This week Aunt Flo arrived. You read that correctly. That horrible thing followed me all the way to South Padre Island during vacation.!! Ugh. So, there I was.....bloated, crampy, in the middle of the summer..... but needing to work-out. I told myself if I could get past a run on the HOT beach with bloating and cramps, then there wouldn’t be much worse things during the course of my training. You know what? I did it. And. It. Felt. Great. Well, at least once that grueling hour was over!! I learned that I have to tell myself, “yes, you can"!!!

Training for Ironman - Week 1

June  4-11, 2013
I just finished up my first week of training for the half Ironman (and eventually the full Ironman!)!!  My prior training had been "getting workouts in when possible" and a few Crossfit classes. I still have TONS of baby weight......about 35-40 extra pounds!!!! So, I was a bit nervous to dive into hard-core training! However, it was much easier than I had anticipated. I think I have already learned a lot of things about my body, my mind, and triathlon training! 


Monday:       Swam 30 min - (meaning, I learned how not to drown)
                     Ran 30 min - Only 2 miles!

Tuesday:     Swam 30 min - (with my bestie, Bobbie. Got a tiny bit better at my
                      technique and breathing.)
                    Ran 30 min  - (barely made 2 miles. They were in the 14 min/mile range.)

Wednesday: Bike 30 min with quick change to 15 min run. 

Thursday:      Bike 30 min - went 9.5 miles with the Hubby! Fun! We were interrupted early 
                        when the baby cried too long in the gym nursery. :(

Friday:           Ran 45 min - went 3.5 miles! (I ran on the treadmill, with the baby in the
                        bouncer and older kids watching a movie. No one disrupted me! Yay!)
Saturday: Bike - 1 hour, 22 miles. (My family waited in the car for me to finish!)
                     Swam - 30 min (worked on technique and breathing. I went 150m non-stop and     
                       250m total)

Sunday:        Ran 1 hour - (ran in the neighborhood, went 4.66 miles!)

Total: 6 hours - 7 days

Things I learned:

A. Songs I like to listen to while working out:
1. “My Body” by Young the Giant
2. “Stronger” by Mandisa
3. “Move” by MercyMe

B. I hate the first 15-20 minutes of running!!

C. Your body is much, MUCH more capable than anyone cares to admit. Before this week, I thought I could only run 1 mile at a verrrrrry slow pace. I learned that isn’t the case at all. My body AMAZED me this week. I started off by running 2 miles at a 15 min/mile pace and ended the week at 4.66 miles at a 12.5 min/mile pace!!!! I kept telling myself that impossible is not a word, it’s just a reason not to try.....keep on moving those legs!

Training Hard

Training for Impossible

So....I must go back to the summer of 2012 to start my story. My hubby announces to me, “Babe, I think I’m going to train for Ironman”. Cue my heart stopping and jaw dropping. But he is gone so much as it is! But I’m pregnant! But we have three kids!! BUT....BUT....BUT!!!.........

I kept those thoughts to myself (for the most part) and silently prayed for God to help me be the best wife for my “crazy” husband. Weeks and months went by with my hubby spending enormous amounts of time training. Thankfully, he took a short hiatus while we had baby #4, but he was back at it before long. I could not understand WHY he wanted to do an Ironman, the training just didn’t seem worth the outcome. It was just a silly race, in my mind.

Move forward to race day, May 18, 2013. I was only A LITTLE more understanding of why he wanted to do an Ironman. I was very proud of his hard work and couldn’t wait to watch him race!! Mostly though, I was proud that we had survived the “ridiculous” training and our life was about to get normal again. Or so I thought.

Something changed in me that day. As I watched those athletes get in and out of the water, ride for HOURS, and then run a FULL marathon.....I was inspired. Half-way during the race my heart was encouraged, motivated, and ready. I had this deep urge that I HAD to do this “impossible” thing. I have coined myself with the “give-up” gene. I hardly ever follow through with anything. I hardly ever accomplish what I set out to do. I hardly ever give myself credit. I hardly ever keep going when things get tough or when I get too scared. However, this race....this race could give me what I have never allowed myself to have. I knew deep, deep down that this race could change me. 

I cried like a baby when my hubby stepped over the finish line. I have never been more proud of an accomplishment. I had never looked at my hubby with so much respect and admiration. That moment will forever be seared in my brain. I need that memory to penetrate my thoughts as I move forward with MY training, keeping in mind that as I cross the finish line, he too will be looking at me the same way I looked at him. With respect, admiration, and love.

Philippians 4:13
 “I can do ALL things with Christ who gives me strength”

“Everything is impossible, until it’s not anymore” 

“Impossible is not a word, it’s just a reason not to try”